BlackRock BUIDL Wallet Regaled With Degen Gifts Of Memecoins And NFTs As Venus Passed Saturn In The Sky

BlackRock BUIDL Wallet Regaled With Degen Gifts Of Memecoins And NFTs As Venus Passed Saturn In The Sky

A wallet associated with BlackRock’s new BUIDL fund was gifted all kinds of memecoins and NFTs on Wednesday March 20th as Moon transited with Venus in the 8th position. Venus was approaching Saturn Whom He would pass the next day, Thursday, which is when the BUIDL fund launched. 

BlackRocks BUIDL is like a money market fund which invests in repurchase agreements or repos and in 3 month treasury bills. BUIDL then pays dividends in the form of the BUIDL token, which is equivalent to one US dollar, into the wallet of the investor.

BlackRock is very much associated with Saturn as its name is black combined with rock. Saturn is hardness and is blackness. Even the fund name BUIDL is a beautiful play on the word build which is also Saturnian as Saturn is represented in the world by construction workers.

Venus and Saturn are great friends and Venus, Who is more powerful, likes to help Saturn. For example, Venus exalts Saturn in His sign of Libra. Shukracharaya Venus rules NFTs, payments and gift giving.

The BUIDL fund launching on the day that Venus passed Saturn is auspicious for BlackRock. And this is also why the event was accompanied by degen “gift giving” of memecoins and NFTs to the BUIDL wallet.

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