Tether launches "Tethered Assets" in play that will make them more globally significant than the Federal Reserve

Tether launches "Tethered Assets" in play that will make them more globally significant than the Federal Reserve

Tether, issuer of USDT, the world’s largest stablecoin has launched what they deem a new category of assets called “tethered assets.”  The first of these tethered assets are a series called Alloy which are backed by Tether’s physical gold-backed stablecoin XAUT and pegged or “tethered” to the value of a fiat currency. The first asset within the Alloy series is aUSDT. aUSDT is pegged to the US dollar. Individuals can mint aUSDT by posting XAUT as collateral. 

Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino tweeted the launch of Alloy on Monday 17 June exactly when Mercury passed Venus in the sky, both located at 6º08’ of Gemini. Moon was travelling in trine to Mercury and Venus in the Nakshatra or constellation of Swati in Libra. Moon was opposing Mars in the Nakshatra of Ashwini.

The planet Who travels closest to Sun, the King, Mercury is considered by the Jyothish to be the divine Prince and student. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini—whenever He travels there, powerful intellectual feats are generated on Earth. Venus Whom Mercury passed at Alloy’s launch generates liquidity and partnerships on Earth. Mars Whom Moon opposed at Alloy’s launch generates individually motivated or empowered acts.

Tether’s new “tethered assets” are a signal of a future whose implications will become apparent when Dev Guru Jupiter begins traveling in the zone where Mercury passed Venus at the platform’s launch, beginning on Wednesday 28 May of the year to come, 2025.

As Saturn will oppose Bitcoin’s natal Sun at that moment, this future is a future where bitcoin is the new global reserve asset, and Tether’s USDT has more significance within global finance than USD itself. Tether’s products will be closer to the source of monetary value than USD. In the future, USD’s value and in fact the American domestic economy will benefit from Tether’s current play.

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